Seems kind of strange this board gets a hundred plus views a day......and no posts...
Everyone must be waiting on someone to post some real info...instead of opinions....
With the timeline that IS in place for some positive results ...I expect some results ...with some real info very very soon...
Whether it comes from the company which is Gordon....or a poster with some real tangible info....doesn't really matter at this point in time imo....
Whether folks can separate the Bruce/Kenny.....from the Gordon/GESI is the real question...both are problems at this current time......
1 is a couple of deceiving manipulating cheating lying crooks....Bruce and Kenny...
The other is a CEO who got bamboozeled, the burden falls on him to produce...but....he has had ample...ample opportunity to do the right thing...disassociate himself from those 2....clear David Zemecks name ....start a process of recovery from them...assist in investors going after them to insure they get exactly what they deserve...legally and ethically in a court of law that will impose punishment....and come clean on whats exactly going on with GESI at this moment in time...BECAUSE...those moments ARE RUNNING OUT.....
All the bs needs to come to a finality....whether good or bad....and every shareholder needs to be able to hear from the CEO....back off of some crazy demands and expectations they have over a ppm that was constructed by Bruce and Martha Pollock to deceive and steal from all investors....and screw Gordon in the process.....time for folks to get real...quit expecting someone to give them something they know in their hearts isn't available...or going to happen......communication.....compromise....full disclosure....and a positive move forward is what MUST be done NOW....jmo...
BUT....IF.....GORDON and the investors cannot come to a reasonable...compromising...solution to this entire debacle...and all put building GESI first and foremost in their plans for working as a unit to get this thing done right....
Then Shoals will tell it....ALL....and let the chips fall wherever they fall...on me...on you.,..on them...on everyone....
Now lets see if all these "viewers" have anything positive...constructive...or usefull to add here.....or if folks just wanna live in the past...bitch..moan and point fingers...well that's ok also....just remember.....everytime u point ur finger at another.....theres always 3 pointing right back at you....