The transferring of the permits and the government agencies slow progress in renewing them has caused a 4-6 month delay in returning the mine to production. We are all aware of that fact. But there IS NOT 4-6 months of ground work needed. Perhaps you missed reading the Scoping Report that carefully laid out everything that needed to be done along with a time table. It is on the old SIRG board. Much of the cleanup work has been done, old pipes, hoses, pumps, etc. have been removed. With the EA approval (now overdue) they can start replacing them.
The heap leach pad and pond can be built in 30-45 days and a contract with Desert Construction for that job has already been signed. The mine is in NW Arizona and weather is not a factor as they can work year around.
The pond is already there but will be expanded and a new liner, leak detectors and piping installed.