Coming March 20th...
A Never-Before-Seen Method Of Oil And Gas
Investing That Multiplies Your Money
216 Times Faster Than Boring “Buy and Hold”
Dear Reader,
Forget buy and hold…
On March 20, you’ll discover what’s hands down the fastest, most effective way to get rich in the energy markets.
We call it the “Texas Rich in 60 Days” strategy. And it’s been proven to multiply your money 216 times faster… and 178 times bigger… than anything Big Oil can do.
Just take a quick look at how a 36-year back-tested study of this unusual “Texas Rich” program stacked up against its peers…
A $500 starting stake in Exxon back in January 1978 would have turned into $16,430 today...
Murphy Oil would have turned $500 into $10,030…
And $500 into ConocoPhillips would have produced a total of $6,720.
Not too bad. But you had to wait 36 years for those gains to show up.
Now take a look at the “Texas Rich” gains. Not only did this study prove that the strategy produced 178 times bigger gains…
But it also proves that this program can compound your money 216 times faster!
This once-in-a-lifetime “Texas Rich” opportunity could have turned $500 into more than $2,839,789 -- all in just 60 short days.
That’s just eight weeks. Just two months.
Amazing as that is, here’s the astonishing part…
Despite the success of this new “Texas Rich in 60 Days” strategy, you won’t see any ads for this new plan. And you won’t read about it on the Web.
It’s not a single stock. It’s not a fund. And it’s not ETFs, MLPs or anything else you’ve ever seen.
Instead, all of the details will be revealed -- for the first time anywhere -- in a special presentation on March 20 at 1 p.m. EDT.
Once revealed, this new “Texas Rich” strategy may change everything you think you know about making money in the stock market.
It could also change how you look at your retirement… how confident you feel that all the bills can easily be paid… and the comfort you have to live out your life on your terms.
Sign up today for our March 20 “Texas Rich” event and you’ll get the full briefing on how you could turn just $500 into $2,839,789 in as little as just 60 days.
Here’s What You Need to Know:
What: Our invite-only “ Texas Rich in 60 Days” event.
When: Thursday, March 20, at 1 p.m. EDT.
Where: Your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. If you have an Internet connection, you’ll have full access to our event.
Why: Our very own energy insider is prepared to release the details on his brand-new Texas Rich investment strategy that could jump-start your retirement goals in as little as 60 days.
Cost: 100% free. No credit card required.
How to sign up for our event: Simply enter your email address in the box below and we’ll add you to the reveal of this special presentation.