Lots of open debate happening here. Thats fine. Your bull---- negativity & twisting of facts + attacking Steve personally is not welcome. So go back to ihub paulyb.
Some people can't see the forest for the trees here and you play on that with bogus distortions of facts.
Lets summarize the key things that have happened in the past few months.
1) ICPA & Clear Channel working together in airports, hospitals, etc. Fact. This is a new venture that is just beginning to unfold. Don't even try to turn this into a negative. Revenues just now starting to flow. Steve can't speculate on the numbers, so we wait for quarterly reports.
2) Punch TV. Similar story. Wasn't even on the table at the start of 2012. Growing, evolving & again, really just getting going. Plenty of ad revenue coming soon. We own a TV network, yet our stock is under 1 cent. Gee...do you think there is any upside potential?
3) Steve communicating regularly with shareholders. You & a few here on this board turn that into a negative when in reality its extremely positive. Steve keeps us in the loop more than any CEO of any other 10 companies combined. I've read a few posts that say there are other companies that communicate more. Baloney. Find me 1 company who have done as much in the past 6 months & have communicated as openly with shareholders.
People blaming Steve for not answering every single question? Give me a break.
People blaming Steve for the low share price? Give me a break.
People suggesting that the EZVIP deal going away is a big issue? Give me a break. That was 1 small bonus that didn't work out (but is evolving into another show). A tiny fraction of what Clear Channel & becoming the owners of a TV network mean to this company.
This is a small company in the process of developing into a much bigger company. These are huge game breaking developments that will take a bit of time to unfold. But as more airports start carrying our shows & Punch TV rolls out its new season lineup, things are going to get very interesting around here.
We are in on the ground floor. Some sweat, some nervous nights..but so much potentail its scary.
Finally...there are 2 ways to go through life: you can be a glass 1/2 full optimistic person who wishes the best to others or you can be a negative, whining "who gives a sh-- about anybody but me" kind of person. I'm the 1st. You're obviously the 2nd.
When Perchy set up this board, he was looking for respectful, open, honest communication. Thats not what you offer.
So yes, I repeat my request to the moderators once again: lets get paulyb the heck out of here.
ICPA; gotta love it.