The PR said that Punch had "signed on a new affiliate" which could mean they signed a letter of intent, WPVN is willing and planning to air Punch, this is not contradict to what Mr Gustafson told you he was thinking about it, it sounded like the only reason they are not airing Punch now was because they do not have the capability and they are working on it by moving the tower to Trump Tower. That's why the Pr said that it's going to air in Dec. just in time for Christmas. The PR is totally legit because all it tells is a plan between Punch and their affilicate, they might delay the lunch date for any reason. If Mr Gustafson told you that he never heard about Punch or he's not planning to air punch, then you can say the Pr provided fausle information. By the way, on WPVN home page , they said that '
So they have been working on moving to trump tower, maybe that's why the owner of WPVN told Steve they are going to air Punch in Dec., as he thought he could have moved to Trump Tower by Dec. therefor they will air Punch by then.