LMAO, sorry, I didn't think anyone would take that seriously, the cartel/organized crime would be a huge leap on its own but that was meant to be sarcasm and not an actual theory. I was up to late I guess, anyways, in all likely hood you are correct in the assumption that the MM have their hands in this manipulation. To much many has been circulating and changing hands to give up control over the FITX shares so easily. I am sure as long as investors keep buying and holding the grip will looses soon enough! Assuming that is that is the case.
PS. Actually the idea that the cartel would be involved/investing would not be THAT far fetched given the fact that when Cannabis is legalized in the US they would lose a nice chuck of change/business so they might invest long term. Legit account and clean cash would be a requirement of coarse.
Go Illuminati FITX!!!