I think that this is a good time to start a position and/or load in STKO.. Dont think that this baby is going any lower as the float is held very tightly and the good news keeps coming out of the company. Just a quick update on a few fundamentals below, I think that this one is a diamond in the rough and anyone loading below .10 ( Private Placement price) Will be greatly rewarded.
-Big Contract News on 14th Projected $500k Annually from Contract (Name of Retailer to be Released)
-Retirement of Share News, Supported byt Recent 8k Filing'
-Shannon Miller (8x Olympic Medalist) is the Spokesperson, she will be @ Olympics for 1 month+
-Their Natural Plus Energy Bar is a tangible product that is one of the best selling bars in many of the locations that it is sold.
-Private Placement @ .10 over the past summer
-Natural Plus Energy has 8 flavors and only 6 ingredients per bar. Sold on DrugStore.com, Alice.com, and in many healthfood stores.
-Name/Ticker change should be coming to reflect the Company that acquired Stakool through the Reverse Merger. The company is Anthus Life
-Shannon Miller is affiliated with Costco, Could Anthus' Natural Plus Energy Bar be headed there?
I truly believe it is time that everyone take a closer look at this stock as it is one that has both the share structure as well as the product to be successful. I am actually surprised that with the recent developments this company hasnt gotten more attention, however, I believe that in due time as they start rolling out both more revenues as well as more products that this will catch on and will be one that many are looking at.
-Also just a thought, Shannon Miller is doing some work for Costco via her own company. If this product is ever accepted into Costco I believe that it could be a complete game changer for everyone involved. Lots too look forward to here...