Investors Circle is up 94.26% since this board was started on February 10, 2014. The initial investment of $4,650 in now worth $7,567.50 and growing. We made some good decisions, and some bad decisions. But we have grown the value of the portfolio every single week since its inception. We now only hold three stocks in the portfolio, and will likely add some next week. Or, we may increase our position in one or more stocks currently owned. Stay tuned.
As always, past performance is no guarantee of future performance, and investors must do their own due diligence and make their own decisions when buying or selling stock. Recommendations on this board should be considered opinion, and nothing more. To date, Investors Circle has only invested in low priced high risk stocks listed on the OTC. These stocks are called penny stocks, and because of their high risk, investors run the risk of losing their entire investment on any or all plays suggested on this board.