You asked for an explanation and what I said is what it is. I have different ID'S for Ebay, my bank account, and other sited I frequent.
Anyway, I am not here to argue, I am just long on this stock ever since I went up with a heavy investor of Baltia & he introduced me to Barry & we took a tour of the plane a few months back.
I was given a packet "Private Placement in Public Company", I would attach it here but I do not see attachment ability, 3 separate packets 22 pages total. Anyway, he was looking for investors for 300 units, each unit consisting of 666,667 common shares and 25,000 warrants exercisable @0.10 good for one year from date of issuance. The price of one unit is $10,000.
I didn't have the funds at that time, so I bought the stock through my brokerage.Looking forward to see what the coming weeks/months bring.. .