gmoneypenny... "I would rather him answer questions up-front and honestly."... I think he has. Has he answered EVERY question put to him, no, but the type of questions he has not answered are all routed in financial projecting. (you have read my thought in this issue).
"No, it's not my deciding factor."... come on gmoneypenny, sure it is. You say as much in your posts. And this is a perfectly prudent factor for deciding to invest or not, I am not saying its not. What are your alternatives? Do you think you can force Steve into giving you what you want? If he wants to give you financial information before the reports are out, he will, otherwise read the handwriting on the wall, he's not going to do that. You need to decide if you still want to be in the stock based on that.
"I don't know Steve personally, but he seems like the kind of guy that needs a little ego-stroking."... You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however my opinion about that statement is... it was uncalled for, and is what leads some to call you a basher.
"Are you suggesting we just take these updates and not ask questions?"... no, what I am saying is, its perfectly normal and prudent to ask the hard questions, but one must realize and respect that he reserves the right not to answer.