Does Not take that many Sheep to get the others moving to the Cliff....It takes a very strong Stomach and some Huge Nads to stay strong through something like this...that &/or the conviction, sane or Insane, real or not real, in the Fundamentals of KMAG and the fact that Jeff and Company have not done anything of a criminal Nature to Keep the trading from ever returning to a Higher market!
For a Real Believer here..the biggest frustration right now, I would say , would be Not having the funds to Buy the cheap shares!
I wonder and sure would Hope Jeff were buying today....But @ this point, between the conducting of business and the Expense and Effort to get back to an Exchange...I'd have to think he has enough pressure and expense !....Best ..imo..To leave the Man be ...and let Him knock Out things as they come...As Jeff has proven Himself many times int he past!...I will be Giving Jeff the benefit of the doubt!....and still think, as we were All thinking b4, that come Dec into Early 2013, that KMAG will be Looking much better, and it Will...be sitting on the OTCBB w/ Audited Fins, Q3 out and well into Q4..!!