KMAG today is Now entering the last month of Q3......Now we have both Aug and Sept Revs behind Us....That we may not see until the Q3 report, which we all hope will be audited by then!
Jeff may have some reluctance to Post numbers for those two months , being under the Eye of the SEC, but I suspect there will be other communications to come!
Once the Fear, frustration , move On , selling stops....and the Fundamentals of KMAG keep getting better, I think many more will risk buying during the Grey period, looking to come Out of the Cloud further ahead!
It has been nothing more than a psychological beating the last two weeks...that caused some to take a loss and others to get Out "break even" or mb a little above....but Now it is time to get back to the fundamentals...regardless of the left over rubberneckers that will try to Jab when ever they can!