GM ! It has always been my opinion that if ANY politician wants to be elected (re elected) in any upcoming elections, they will NEED to be PRO MMJ from here out. The people have spoken, and spoken loudly! Even many staunch proabition supporters are now changing their stances. Much of that is due to people like Dr Gupta, and the very credable research that has been done worldwide on the medicinal benefits of this PLANT. It still amazes me that any DR would prescribe a heavy duty narcotic to a child (or adult) and not fully concider the long term implications of the dangers and harmful effects. However, talk about prescribing MMJ, and its, "oh wait, we dont know how dangerous this is!" REALLY ??? I will write this off as pure uneducated ignorence, but thanks to Dr Gupta, and his DD and ability to report, this will be changing NOW, and hopefully much more rapidly than ever before. We are at the crossroads of a major shift in perception. I, for one, am happpy to be making money with FITX, but also very grateful that in my small way I can support this movement.
LONG AND STRONG FITX $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$