Yeah, I am not flipping this. I anticipate a dip, likely on Friday as people take their profit. Regardless, I sold once to recover my initial investment, buy a new car, and NFL season tickets. I don't regret it, but wish I still had those thousands of shares!
What I have left I am riding free shares, and want to lock in long term capital gains (over a year held). More than that, though, I don't see any compelling reason to sell them before what should be *more* substantial gains. This stock could be a monster after Q3, Q4 reports show absurd revenue for a company with a PPS this low.
Closing at HID and 52 week high is disgustingly bullish, and while the RSI is high and rising, I think tomorrow is another push up. If you plan on flipping look to get out Thursday or Friday but I think it's a risk here. Could shoot into new levels before backing off. Just sooooo much momentum!