About your post...
"I'm giving you the opportunity to explain to me and others (in terms of real numbers and real metrics) why ICPA is NOT smoke and mirrors. Again, very simply put: Please elaborate on where revenue is coming from for 3Q (and also curious about 4Q)."
We give numbers every quarter and annually. They are audited by an outside auditor. Numbers will continue to be releases every Q and K for everyone to see in their entity. Clear as day, no smoke and mirrors.
"I was a Financial Analyst"
This is fantastic. You are sharing an incredible resume, which I appreciate. What is your name and who did you work for. How would sharing that do anything but help the conversation. Then people can see you are somebody they can listen to who is an expert. You are giving us half of the info anyway so lay it out on the table, that way people will know your posts are nothing but smoke and mirrors.