Not only is your grasp of English horrible but your lack of proper punctuation etc. reflects an educational failure somewhere.
You mention the Wisconsin high speed rail line! Everyone knows that the Madison-Milwaukee line would have cost Wisconsin $8,000,000 in subsidies every year and never been profitable.
It is roughly 90 miles from Milwaukee to Madison by car on Interstate highways with 70 MPH limits on a highway that is mostly flat and only congested during UWM football game weekends! Gov Walker realized that $8,000,000,000 (BILLION) spent to get people between these 2 cities 20 minutes quicker was an insane waste of money.
The Milwaukee-Madison trains would have a top speed of 110 m.p.h. (180 km/h), a far cry from the 220-m.p.h. bullet trains zipping around Europe and Asia; initially, they'd average less than 60 m.p.h.
So let's see, someone who lives in Brookfield or Elm Grove would spend 30-45 minutes to drive downtown and pay to park his car. Then he boards the train to Madison and at 60 MPH he arrives in 1 hr 45 minutes! (There is at least one stop between Milwaukee and Madison so add 10 minutes to load and unload and get back up to speed.) Total time 2 1/2 hrs.
Arriving in Madison, he either rents a car, takes a bus or a taxi to his destination there. Get's his business done and again has to pay to return to the train station.
The other guy leaves his home and gets on I-90/94 and heads west arriving in Madison in about 1 hr 15-30 minutes. He drives to his destination does his business and returns home. He saved $$ plus over 2 hrs of travel time. Now that just plain makes sense.
As for the UWM football games, there would be 2 trains that hold approximately 400 passengers. WOW - that would really take a lot of cars off the highway!