Talking down to you? Did you even read my post? I simply am tired of reading complaint after complaint. If you want me to truly talk down to you I will but I don't think my post talked down to you at all. I even mentioned respecting you.
I just want you to calm down and stop just coming on here complaining. I hold 10 million shares and I am not worried in the least and you don't see me on here complaining everyday. I also got my whole family into this investment because I still believe it is the right investment for the future.
Now to address your KMAG and ATRN. Once I see nitwit appear pumping and then OWM's comes around I get out ASAP. No matter what the stock is because its about to be shorted to death or an avalanche is about to happen.
I also never EVER said I was a master trader. If I was a master trader I would have made millions off ICPA and wouldn't be around here. I also have a family to feed and people to take care of.
" Does it make you feel all self rigshteous and make yourself feel self important just because you get on here and talk down on investors down on their luck?"
Did you really say this? I have been in this stock much longer than you and have gone through the ups and downs and it always comes back up. Also, for a family man, nice language calling someone a jackass for pointing out what you were doing incorrectly. I post on here what once a month and you think I come on here to act like a "Jackass" to talk down to people? No I come on here to support people and try to help them.
Do you forget who are talking to? If you were a true honey badger, like the true supporters of the stock, you wouldn't be on these forums everyday complaining because you are not a millionaire yet. Everyday I read a negative comment you post and its getting old. How is that for BLUNT.
My first post was nice and respectful and you come back with this?
Well guess what pal this honey badger seriously doesn't give a F###!