People like you crack me up, you come on here threatening everyone that you will take them all down with you as if anything you do is going to affect this company. IC Places future does NOT depend on any of the posters on this board, the other criminal board or any board for that matter, the message boards are mostly used as a tool to manipulate penny stocks so the "crook" can swindle money from the "ignorant investor" that is it. But, IC Places is going to surprise everyone of the message board crooks because it is for real and will get out of the "OTC HELL" one day and it will be because of what Steve and the Company does, not what some Dingle Berries working from Mom's basement write.
These message boards can also be used for Good purposes and there are some Good, Honest, investors that are smart enough to see through all the Garbage, mark it for what it is, ignore the people that are phony and use the boards to gain valuable information about the Company and they know that this will take time to get where it is going and will not fall prey to the penny stock scum looking to manipulate trading for their own personal gain.
ICPA is probably the best penny stock out there now, but don't trust what I say, find out for yourself and do a lot of research, it's the only way you will truly know what is going on. Or, you can take the easy way and listen to the daily drama crap, get confused, and probably end up making a bad decision. I don't post much but I do read everything, I just had to say something because it is really getting ridiculous, It's like a bunch preschoolers fighting back and forth.
Happy Birthday Steve!
Keep doing what you do!