Hey Cheryl speaking of social networks and videos, consider this - there's a guy on youtube Phil Defranco, he has a news show with millions of followers - he is very respected in the youtube community. He's brought up marijuana several times, and is clearly an advocate for getting the government out of our personal business. He also has a give-away at the end of his show, so all of this combined led me to think - maybe you could send him an e-mail or video response, ask him if he would mention something newsworthy in his show, or work with you on a quick bit, and maybe he could end the show giving out some free cannacigs?! I figure there's more than enough events centered around the medical legalization movement to make for an interesting minute in his show - not to mention you have a truly amazing story of how it helped you. You are living and undeniable proof that medical marijuana needs to be accepted and PROMOTED as the medication of choice for the mainstream. IT's helped millions of people like yourself, it's unbelievable that people still fight legalization under the guise of our taxpayer funded bureaucracy.
Even if you made a video response to him that had "marijuana" in the title - it would be instant thousands of views.
If you ended up getting on the show it would be instant MILLIONS of views from an extremely socially active internet crowd - and he has a really good grasp on the politics of the legalization movement so I'd bet he would really appreciate where you're coming from.
All in all it would be good for him, and good for us. Cause considering he has MILLIONS of subscribers, if marijuana was in the title of one of his videos he would probably score double or more views than his average videos.
Here's his show. http://www.youtube.com/user/sxephil?feature=CAQQwRs%3D
Much love, if this worked out I think it would be a big break - bigger than we can imagine. Philip Defranco to me represents the underground mainstream, much like yourself.