Posted On: 03/10/2014 5:35:11 PM
Post# of 9

Latest Aquasil International Inc (MULI) Headlines
ING U.S. to Redomesticate Reinsurance Subsidiary
PR Newswire - Wed Dec 18, 3:10PM CST
ING U.S., Inc. (NYSE: VOYA), which plans to rebrand in the future as Voya Financial, announced today that it will redomesticate its reinsurance subsidiary, Security Life of Denver International Limited (SLDI), from the Cayman Islands to Arizona, effective December 20, 2013. SLDI, which primarily serves as the reinsurer of the living benefits associated with ING U.S.'s Closed Block Variable Annuity (CBVA) book, has been approved as an Arizona-domiciled captive reinsurer by the Arizona Department of Insurance.
Multi-Corp International Announces the Double XX Property is Now Producing Oil
PR Newswire - Thu Nov 21, 6:00AM CST
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company"), an emerging Exploration and Production Company, is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America. Multi-Corp is pleased to announce that all necessary flow lines, power lines and pump jack repairs have started to bring the Double XX field back into production. Multi-Corp expects an initial flush production to be between 30 and 40 barrels per day from all wells for the first period of time, as the wells have been shut-in for about five years.
Correction: Multi-Corp International Press Releases
PR Newswire - Wed Nov 20, 8:04PM CST
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") is an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America. In regards to past news releases Multi-Corp wishes to clarify that it has no offices in Los Angeles, CA. Previous statements reflecting this were done in error and are not correct. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Multi-Corp International Inc. is currently operating out of Denver City, TX.
/C O R R E C T I O N -- Multi-Corp International Inc./
PR Newswire - Wed Nov 20, 2:41PM CST
In the news release, Multi-Corp International Announces the Posting of the Bond with the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM"), issued 20-Nov-2013 by Multi-Corp International Inc. over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the dateline location should read DENVER CITY, Texas only. Additionally, the second paragraph, second sentence should read "The Company operates from its offices in Denver City, Texas," rather than "The Company operates from its offices in Los Angeles, California," as originally issued inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows:
Multi-Corp International Announces the Posting of the Bond with the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM")
PR Newswire - Wed Nov 20, 6:00AM CST
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that they have posted the $25,000.00 Bond with the BLM. Once this Bond is approved, Multi-Corp should receive the operator change and their federal OGAR number and be ready to start production.
Multi-Corp International Announces Transfer of Leases from Marks & Garner in the State of New Mexico
PR Newswire - Mon Oct 21, 6:00AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that the State of New Mexico has transferred all of the leases in the Marks & Garner name were operated by Robin Hood LLC are now in the name of Multi-Corp. Multi-Corp has initiated the name change at the county level and with the OCD. All leases, for both the Cave Pool and Double XX properties, now show up on the OCD website as belonging to Multi-Corp.
Multi-Corp International Announces The Completion of the Posting of the Blanket Bond
PR Newswire - Mon Jul 29, 4:00AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that they have successful completed the process for the posting of the blanket bond with the State of New Mexico. In conjunction with this blanket bond, Multi-Corp has received their OGRID number. This number allows Multi-Corp to complete the transfer of all properties associated with Quad to Multi-Corp. Multi-Corp can now start the process of oil sales in the State of New Mexico as they are a fully operating company within the State of New Mexico.
Multi-Corp International Announces Completion of Meetings for Soil Clean-up Processes
PR Newswire - Wed Jul 24, 8:16AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI), ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America, is pleased to announce that they have attended meetings with Randy Dade, Supervisor for District II, and Mike Bratcher, the Environmental Specialist for District I to obtain the verbal approval for Multi-Corp to proceed to wash the contaminated soils in the Cave Pool field as opposed to transporting the soils to an off-site disposal area. This essentially negates the need to replace the soils at the Cave Pool fields. Multi-Corp feels that this wash method will aid in cutting the costs of clean-up by up to two thirds. This method of washing contaminated soil on site has been used successfully in the past in New Mexico and Multi-Corp looks forward to making use of these methods.
Multi-Corp International Announces Meetings Taking Place for Bonding and Orientation
PR Newswire - Mon Jul 22, 1:12PM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce that they have attended the bonding and orientation meetings required to be a fully operational oil company with the ability to sell oil. These meetings took place between the President of Multi-Corp and Daniel Sanchez to finalize the costs for the State bond. This meeting also provided the orientation necessary for Multi-Corp to function as an oil company operating in the State of New Mexico. Multi-Corp is able to use a blanket Bond for all wells on the state property. The paperwork and Bond monies for the operator number are now being processed.
Multi-Corp International Announces the Estimated Oil Production on the Double XX Property Gas Field in New Mexico
ACCESSWIRE - Tue Jul 16, 4:49AM CDT
Los Angeles, CA and Denver City, TX (eTeligis via ACCESSWIRE) 7/16/2013 5:00:00 AM - Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that they estimate the initial flush production from the newly acquired Double XX field could be between 30 and 40 barrels of total production per day. The bonus of this field is Multi-Corp has inherited the unsold production from the last operator. This unsold production is approximately 1000 barrels of light grade oil still in the storage tanks and ready for shipping. At today's oil pricing, this should yield approximately $98,000.00 in instant cash flow for the Company. This production comes from the Delaware formation. Other companies in the immediate vicinity are drilling long leg horizontal wells with tremendous success. We shall be turning the files over to our Geological Department to study the
Multi-Corp International Announces They Have Received a Certificate of Operations from the State of New Mexico
ACCESSWIRE - Wed Jul 10, 5:37AM CDT
Los Angeles, CA and Denver City, TX (eTeligis via ACCESSWIRE) July 10, 2013 - Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that they have completed meetings with Jerry D. Blakley, the Head Engineer with the Bureau of Land Management for the State of New Mexico. From this meeting, Multi-Corp was given a plan to follow to allow them to start production on the wells located on their properties in New Mexico. With this plan in place, Multi-Corp was then able to acquire the Bond necessary to place the monies in trust with Wells Fargo in Florida, thereby allowing the State of New Mexico to issue a Bonding number. This number then allowed Multi-Corp's subsidiary, MCI operating as a New Mexico LLC, to obtain their Certificate of Operations from the State. This essentially means that they can now become an operator within the State of Ne
Multi-Corp International Announces the Signing of the Purchase/Assignment Papers on Double XX Property in New Mexico
ACCESSWIRE - Mon Jul 08, 4:02AM CDT
Los Angeles, CA (eTeligis via ACCESSWIRE) 7/8/2013 5:00:00 AM - Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that the Company has signed the purchase/assignment papers from Quad Energy Corp to take over all of Quad's interests in the Double XX property from Robin Hood. Robin Hood has been in receivership since 2011 and was waiting the final approval from the Court to this purchase/assignment. Quad has been working hard to purchase this property from the Courts since December 2011. It was finally approved by the Courts but needed the final consent from the Justice Department (Mr. Manny Lucerio, United States Attorney for New Mexico), which consent was granted in June 2013. The Double XX property was purchased for three million restricted shares of Multi-Corp valued at $1.30 per share. This value was based upon the closing price of
Multi-Corp International, Inc. (OTC:MULI) Announces It Signed An LOI With Petro Worth To Acquire The Rosevale Property.
PR Newswire - Mon Jun 10, 9:44AM CDT
Multi-Corp International, Inc. (OTC:MULI), is pleased to announce it has entered into an LOI with Petro Worth for its Rosevale Property located in New Brunswick, Canada. This property is located south of the city of Moncton, NB. The property has a total of 65,500 acres, and currently has two wells on it, one of which has reserve study completed while the other requires fracturing. The property has 80 kilometers of 2D seismic coverage. Complete geologic and engineering have been completed on the property. Furthermore, the property is close to an international pipeline. Multi-Corp International, Inc. feels the property has an excellent forward looking potential, as Pieridae Energy Canada has just signed a 20 year agreement with a Germany utility company to purchase Liquefied Natural Gas from a newly announced facility to be located in Goldboro, Nova Scotia. This facility will export up to 10 million tonnes of natural gas annually. The Rosevale property is strategically located to have a market for all the gas
Multi-Corp International, Inc. announces meeting with New Mexico State authorities upcoming
PR Newswire - Tue Jun 04, 5:00AM CDT
Multi-Corp International, Inc. (OTC: MULI) is pleased to announce company representatives meeting with New Mexico state authorities.
Multi-Corp Provides An Update On Its Audit To Its Shareholders
PR Newswire - Tue May 28, 6:30AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTC: MULI) ("The "Company") would like to update its shareholders in regards to its current year-end audit for the year ended December 31, 2012. The Company has been working very closely with its new auditing firm M&K CPAS, PLLC who have been appointed the Company's registered independent accounting firm as of April 16, 2013. The Company feels that M&K is better equipped and has more experience to handle complex oil and gas audits than its previous auditing firm, thus it made the decision to change firms.
Multi-Corp International Inc Announces New Drilling Program Targeting Cave Pool Property in Eddy County , NM with $79,433,000 Net Present Value
PR Newswire - Mon May 13, 7:39AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc (OTC-MULI) announced today that it has engaged MCI Operating of NM LLC to license and operate a summer drilling program for the first of two drill targets on leases owned in the Cave Pool Property that covers 2800 acres located within the Eddy County, NM. It is located within the prolific Artesia Vacuum Trend - more specifically within the Grayburg Jackson Pool. The Artesia Vacuum Trend play contains thirteen reservoirs with more than 1 MMBO cumulative production. Cumulative production from these 13 reservoirs was 796 MMBO as of 2000. Depths to the top of reservoirs range from 1290 to 4700 ft. This is a mature play, especially within the highly productive San Andres carbonates. Recent development of lower permeability Grayburg sandstones in the Grayburg Jackson reservoir during the mid-1990's has been successful to the point of reversing production decline and is a major focus of current and future development.
Corporate Update - Review of recent developments as related to Multi-Corp International, Inc.
PR Newswire - Tue May 07, 6:00AM CDT
Multi-Corp International, Inc. (OTCQB: MULI and OTC PINK: MULI), ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company")
Multi-Corp International Inc. has signed a LOI with Quad Energy Corp
PR Newswire - Mon May 06, 8:05AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTC Pink: MULI) has signed a LOI with Quad Energy Corp to purchase 100% working interest in the Double X property for 3 million restricted shares of Multi-Corp International Inc. The terms of the transaction are as follows, Quad Energy Corp has been in negotiations with the US Federal government and bankruptcy court since December 2010. This transaction was sanctioned by the bankruptcy court with conditions. Once these conditions are met Quad can deliver the property to Multi-Corp International. This pending transaction between Quad and Multi has been approved by the bankruptcy court as of March 28, 2013.
Murphy Analytics Announces Initiation of Coverage on Multi-Corp International
St. Louis, Missouri - Murphy Analytics (MA) has initiated coverage on Multi-Corp International (OTCQB: MULI). The Initiation Report contains a detailed discussion of MULI's business operations, market dynamics, macroeconomic data and indicators, financial results, potential cash flows, and risks. The Initiation Report is available at:
ING U.S. to Redomesticate Reinsurance Subsidiary
PR Newswire - Wed Dec 18, 3:10PM CST
ING U.S., Inc. (NYSE: VOYA), which plans to rebrand in the future as Voya Financial, announced today that it will redomesticate its reinsurance subsidiary, Security Life of Denver International Limited (SLDI), from the Cayman Islands to Arizona, effective December 20, 2013. SLDI, which primarily serves as the reinsurer of the living benefits associated with ING U.S.'s Closed Block Variable Annuity (CBVA) book, has been approved as an Arizona-domiciled captive reinsurer by the Arizona Department of Insurance.
Multi-Corp International Announces the Double XX Property is Now Producing Oil
PR Newswire - Thu Nov 21, 6:00AM CST
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company"), an emerging Exploration and Production Company, is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America. Multi-Corp is pleased to announce that all necessary flow lines, power lines and pump jack repairs have started to bring the Double XX field back into production. Multi-Corp expects an initial flush production to be between 30 and 40 barrels per day from all wells for the first period of time, as the wells have been shut-in for about five years.
Correction: Multi-Corp International Press Releases
PR Newswire - Wed Nov 20, 8:04PM CST
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") is an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America. In regards to past news releases Multi-Corp wishes to clarify that it has no offices in Los Angeles, CA. Previous statements reflecting this were done in error and are not correct. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Multi-Corp International Inc. is currently operating out of Denver City, TX.
/C O R R E C T I O N -- Multi-Corp International Inc./
PR Newswire - Wed Nov 20, 2:41PM CST
In the news release, Multi-Corp International Announces the Posting of the Bond with the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM"), issued 20-Nov-2013 by Multi-Corp International Inc. over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the dateline location should read DENVER CITY, Texas only. Additionally, the second paragraph, second sentence should read "The Company operates from its offices in Denver City, Texas," rather than "The Company operates from its offices in Los Angeles, California," as originally issued inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows:
Multi-Corp International Announces the Posting of the Bond with the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM")
PR Newswire - Wed Nov 20, 6:00AM CST
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that they have posted the $25,000.00 Bond with the BLM. Once this Bond is approved, Multi-Corp should receive the operator change and their federal OGAR number and be ready to start production.
Multi-Corp International Announces Transfer of Leases from Marks & Garner in the State of New Mexico
PR Newswire - Mon Oct 21, 6:00AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that the State of New Mexico has transferred all of the leases in the Marks & Garner name were operated by Robin Hood LLC are now in the name of Multi-Corp. Multi-Corp has initiated the name change at the county level and with the OCD. All leases, for both the Cave Pool and Double XX properties, now show up on the OCD website as belonging to Multi-Corp.
Multi-Corp International Announces The Completion of the Posting of the Blanket Bond
PR Newswire - Mon Jul 29, 4:00AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that they have successful completed the process for the posting of the blanket bond with the State of New Mexico. In conjunction with this blanket bond, Multi-Corp has received their OGRID number. This number allows Multi-Corp to complete the transfer of all properties associated with Quad to Multi-Corp. Multi-Corp can now start the process of oil sales in the State of New Mexico as they are a fully operating company within the State of New Mexico.
Multi-Corp International Announces Completion of Meetings for Soil Clean-up Processes
PR Newswire - Wed Jul 24, 8:16AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI), ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America, is pleased to announce that they have attended meetings with Randy Dade, Supervisor for District II, and Mike Bratcher, the Environmental Specialist for District I to obtain the verbal approval for Multi-Corp to proceed to wash the contaminated soils in the Cave Pool field as opposed to transporting the soils to an off-site disposal area. This essentially negates the need to replace the soils at the Cave Pool fields. Multi-Corp feels that this wash method will aid in cutting the costs of clean-up by up to two thirds. This method of washing contaminated soil on site has been used successfully in the past in New Mexico and Multi-Corp looks forward to making use of these methods.
Multi-Corp International Announces Meetings Taking Place for Bonding and Orientation
PR Newswire - Mon Jul 22, 1:12PM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce that they have attended the bonding and orientation meetings required to be a fully operational oil company with the ability to sell oil. These meetings took place between the President of Multi-Corp and Daniel Sanchez to finalize the costs for the State bond. This meeting also provided the orientation necessary for Multi-Corp to function as an oil company operating in the State of New Mexico. Multi-Corp is able to use a blanket Bond for all wells on the state property. The paperwork and Bond monies for the operator number are now being processed.
Multi-Corp International Announces the Estimated Oil Production on the Double XX Property Gas Field in New Mexico
ACCESSWIRE - Tue Jul 16, 4:49AM CDT
Los Angeles, CA and Denver City, TX (eTeligis via ACCESSWIRE) 7/16/2013 5:00:00 AM - Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that they estimate the initial flush production from the newly acquired Double XX field could be between 30 and 40 barrels of total production per day. The bonus of this field is Multi-Corp has inherited the unsold production from the last operator. This unsold production is approximately 1000 barrels of light grade oil still in the storage tanks and ready for shipping. At today's oil pricing, this should yield approximately $98,000.00 in instant cash flow for the Company. This production comes from the Delaware formation. Other companies in the immediate vicinity are drilling long leg horizontal wells with tremendous success. We shall be turning the files over to our Geological Department to study the
Multi-Corp International Announces They Have Received a Certificate of Operations from the State of New Mexico
ACCESSWIRE - Wed Jul 10, 5:37AM CDT
Los Angeles, CA and Denver City, TX (eTeligis via ACCESSWIRE) July 10, 2013 - Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that they have completed meetings with Jerry D. Blakley, the Head Engineer with the Bureau of Land Management for the State of New Mexico. From this meeting, Multi-Corp was given a plan to follow to allow them to start production on the wells located on their properties in New Mexico. With this plan in place, Multi-Corp was then able to acquire the Bond necessary to place the monies in trust with Wells Fargo in Florida, thereby allowing the State of New Mexico to issue a Bonding number. This number then allowed Multi-Corp's subsidiary, MCI operating as a New Mexico LLC, to obtain their Certificate of Operations from the State. This essentially means that they can now become an operator within the State of Ne
Multi-Corp International Announces the Signing of the Purchase/Assignment Papers on Double XX Property in New Mexico
ACCESSWIRE - Mon Jul 08, 4:02AM CDT
Los Angeles, CA (eTeligis via ACCESSWIRE) 7/8/2013 5:00:00 AM - Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTCQB: MULI). ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company") an emerging Exploration and Production Company that is actively acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in North America is pleased to announce, that the Company has signed the purchase/assignment papers from Quad Energy Corp to take over all of Quad's interests in the Double XX property from Robin Hood. Robin Hood has been in receivership since 2011 and was waiting the final approval from the Court to this purchase/assignment. Quad has been working hard to purchase this property from the Courts since December 2011. It was finally approved by the Courts but needed the final consent from the Justice Department (Mr. Manny Lucerio, United States Attorney for New Mexico), which consent was granted in June 2013. The Double XX property was purchased for three million restricted shares of Multi-Corp valued at $1.30 per share. This value was based upon the closing price of
Multi-Corp International, Inc. (OTC:MULI) Announces It Signed An LOI With Petro Worth To Acquire The Rosevale Property.
PR Newswire - Mon Jun 10, 9:44AM CDT
Multi-Corp International, Inc. (OTC:MULI), is pleased to announce it has entered into an LOI with Petro Worth for its Rosevale Property located in New Brunswick, Canada. This property is located south of the city of Moncton, NB. The property has a total of 65,500 acres, and currently has two wells on it, one of which has reserve study completed while the other requires fracturing. The property has 80 kilometers of 2D seismic coverage. Complete geologic and engineering have been completed on the property. Furthermore, the property is close to an international pipeline. Multi-Corp International, Inc. feels the property has an excellent forward looking potential, as Pieridae Energy Canada has just signed a 20 year agreement with a Germany utility company to purchase Liquefied Natural Gas from a newly announced facility to be located in Goldboro, Nova Scotia. This facility will export up to 10 million tonnes of natural gas annually. The Rosevale property is strategically located to have a market for all the gas
Multi-Corp International, Inc. announces meeting with New Mexico State authorities upcoming
PR Newswire - Tue Jun 04, 5:00AM CDT
Multi-Corp International, Inc. (OTC: MULI) is pleased to announce company representatives meeting with New Mexico state authorities.
Multi-Corp Provides An Update On Its Audit To Its Shareholders
PR Newswire - Tue May 28, 6:30AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTC: MULI) ("The "Company") would like to update its shareholders in regards to its current year-end audit for the year ended December 31, 2012. The Company has been working very closely with its new auditing firm M&K CPAS, PLLC who have been appointed the Company's registered independent accounting firm as of April 16, 2013. The Company feels that M&K is better equipped and has more experience to handle complex oil and gas audits than its previous auditing firm, thus it made the decision to change firms.
Multi-Corp International Inc Announces New Drilling Program Targeting Cave Pool Property in Eddy County , NM with $79,433,000 Net Present Value
PR Newswire - Mon May 13, 7:39AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc (OTC-MULI) announced today that it has engaged MCI Operating of NM LLC to license and operate a summer drilling program for the first of two drill targets on leases owned in the Cave Pool Property that covers 2800 acres located within the Eddy County, NM. It is located within the prolific Artesia Vacuum Trend - more specifically within the Grayburg Jackson Pool. The Artesia Vacuum Trend play contains thirteen reservoirs with more than 1 MMBO cumulative production. Cumulative production from these 13 reservoirs was 796 MMBO as of 2000. Depths to the top of reservoirs range from 1290 to 4700 ft. This is a mature play, especially within the highly productive San Andres carbonates. Recent development of lower permeability Grayburg sandstones in the Grayburg Jackson reservoir during the mid-1990's has been successful to the point of reversing production decline and is a major focus of current and future development.
Corporate Update - Review of recent developments as related to Multi-Corp International, Inc.
PR Newswire - Tue May 07, 6:00AM CDT
Multi-Corp International, Inc. (OTCQB: MULI and OTC PINK: MULI), ("Multi-Corp" or the "Company")
Multi-Corp International Inc. has signed a LOI with Quad Energy Corp
PR Newswire - Mon May 06, 8:05AM CDT
Multi-Corp International Inc. (OTC Pink: MULI) has signed a LOI with Quad Energy Corp to purchase 100% working interest in the Double X property for 3 million restricted shares of Multi-Corp International Inc. The terms of the transaction are as follows, Quad Energy Corp has been in negotiations with the US Federal government and bankruptcy court since December 2010. This transaction was sanctioned by the bankruptcy court with conditions. Once these conditions are met Quad can deliver the property to Multi-Corp International. This pending transaction between Quad and Multi has been approved by the bankruptcy court as of March 28, 2013.
Murphy Analytics Announces Initiation of Coverage on Multi-Corp International
St. Louis, Missouri - Murphy Analytics (MA) has initiated coverage on Multi-Corp International (OTCQB: MULI). The Initiation Report contains a detailed discussion of MULI's business operations, market dynamics, macroeconomic data and indicators, financial results, potential cash flows, and risks. The Initiation Report is available at:

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