Illest, if it is true, then RFMK has an over-joyed buyer of the stock who is himself a successful CEO of another MJ company, which is huge. What RFMK is doing right now, creating so much nationwide buzz for the CannaCig is their swan song. Basically, if RFMK can really be successful with this nationwide push to make CannaCig a prominent name in the vaporizer industry, which its starting to already, then RFMK itself will be seen as a very successful marketing company for cannabis related products. Once they are seen by all in the industry as the go-to company for their cannabis marketing needs, forget about it, RFMK is going to get consulting clients from all over, should RFMK decide to keep that avenue of business open for the company. Surely the CEO has decided to concentrate on vaporizers and the new line of products coming out (with the flagship product as the CannaCig), but I think it may prove important in the future to keep the consulting business model open in case the pure marketing side of the business can perform well, basically riding the coat tails of the success from the notariety of the CannaCig. Besides, the company is Rapid Fire Marketing. Nevertheless, I think for now concentrating on getting a real product line out there really selling big time to consumers was a necessity and a very solid good income stream for the company (its meal ticket) to ensure self-funding for future endeavors. Mr Allinder appears to be a genius or else he is insane. The only difference between genius and insanity, is success.
We shall see what happens, in the end. I for one think that the CEO will meet with success. One way he has already shown that he may in fact be a genius is by way of surrounding himself with the best people. Look at what Cheryl S and Judah have been able to accomplish! Surround yourself with brilliant minds and success will follow.