I don't know if I can waiting for Monday to come sooner all day I'm stoked!
I'll be buying more minute 1 Monday morning.
Also - legalization activists should march on Washington and demand Obama stops the fed raids in states with legitimate Medical Marijuana - it's theft and it's immoral. It needs to be stopped. There is no difference between the feds raiding a dispensory and someone robbing a convenience store - except the convenience store robbery at least has one positive effect - putting money in the pocket of someone desperate enough to rob a store. So actually the fed raids are worse for everyone than blatant civilian robbery.
I can't fathom how someone doesn't see how appauling this is. Might does not make right, anyone who thinks so is immoral and distorted to the point that they're basically hopeless.
Rarararara political outrage. Roseannes' video really got me going.
Thanks for staying in touch Cheryl, I know most business people would never in a million years bother posting on a site like this.