You're absolutely right. A co-ordinated effort would be most effective. Naturally, this effort can only be performed by non-suspended premium members with PM ability, and the desire to 'fight back'.
For lack of a better place, this board is our only venue for constructing a co-ordinated effort.
Since you are the first volunteer for this effort, the first 100 belongs to you.
Understand some laws though, first. In the U.S., we have a constitutionally protected and provided RIGHT to privacy in mail (this includes private emails on websites). By law, IHub admin cannot read these. If they do, they are in direct violation of privacy and mail laws. In other words, you can say what you wish, to the extent that you do not break any other U.S. laws (terrorism, conspiracy against U.S. gov, etc).
I can call IHub admin every nasty word in the book in PM to another party, no problem legally, but if I say it to them (IHub) in PM, they can ban me. I can call IHub Nazis to another IHub member in PM, no foul. If I say anything derogative about them publicly, on their own website, IHub can sanction me. Those are the limits. Any sanction by IHub over and above that is BIG violation of U.S. privacy laws!
There's an old saying:
If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
This is based along the lines that ignorance is no excuse, 'cause if you are ignorant (of your rights), tough luck. The Law, or IHub admin, won't tell you your rights. You have to learn them on your own, if you wish to defend yourself.
But, back to co-ordinated efforts.
Who else would like to co-ordinate efforts to 'save our stock' from the a-holes currently in control?