Each press release we have sent out about affiliates talks about the channels you can watch us on. If you live in those cities you can watch us either right now or on the launch date.
Our show which we own and I personally created and developed, Uncommon Denominator hosted by Jay is part of the 2013 Fall season and moving forward.
The shows being dropped are... Static, which was not picked up for Punch because we have better Sketch comedy options. Urban Beat because we have the Hollywood Fast Lane and don't need two similar shows. Both of those shows where being built before we owned a TV network. The strategy has changed now. If we can get a production company to deliver us a sketch comedy show and have them pay for the show while we split the ad revenues its a better business model for us.
EzVip was canceled do to lack of follow though by the EzVip people.
The company has changed so much in the last 4 month with the acquisition of the Punch TV assets. When we produced Static and Urban Beat as an example the goal was to produce these and sell them. Now owning a TV network we see shows very differently.
To summarize, we have made some amazing leaps this year. As the target changes with growth we are adapting to this much broader environment which holds great profit potential. In that process shows have changed and the reason we where making shows has changed. We are adding households every week with now affiliates signing on.
On a side note we are working on several options which will deliver Punch to everyone across the US no matter what city you are in.