SIRG is no longer on the list!
List of OTCBB Filing Delinquent Companies as of Sep 28, 2012
Each trading day, FINRA publishes a list of companies that it believes are non-compliant with FINRA Rule 6530 (the “Eligibility Rule”). A company is generally added to this list on the date that the symbol is appended with an “E” modifier. This is generally two business days after notification is published on the OTCBB Daily List. A security is removed from this list one business day after FINRA determines that it is eligible for quotation, or the security is no longer quoted on the OTCBB.
The Eligibility Rule and a list of frequently asked questions concerning monitoring and enforcement of this Rule can be viewed on the OTCBB website at:
Issuer Name Reason Not Eligible
Grace Period
Expiration Date*
Advaxis, Inc. Delinquent (07/31/2012 10Q) 10/22/2012 Affected Issue(s): ADXSE
Camelot Corp (NV) Delinquent (07/31/2012 10Q) 10/22/2012 Affected Issue(s): CAMLE
Elevate Inc Delinquent (05/31/2012 10K) 10/18/2012 Affected Issue(s): ELEVE
Gravis Oil Corporation Delinquent (04/30/2012 20F) 10/18/2012 Affected Issue(s): GRAVE
Pinacle Enterprise Inc Delinquent (07/31/2012 10Q) 10/22/2012 Affected Issue(s): PINSE
RVPLUS, Inc. Delinquent (07/31/2012 10Q) 10/22/2012 Affected Issue(s): RVPLE
*The Removal Date is generally two business days following the grace period expiration date.