When the details of the Rights Offering PR comes out it will rally the PPS big time IMO.
This kind of news excites investors, Makes them hungry, Sometimes they lick their chops and burp extra loud.
Until Rob discloses that news the Rights Offering can be changed, Added too or Subtracted from.
It may even be dropped all together or extended in limbo until after the election or even into next year.
Institutional large Rights Offering purchases tend to be held longer Than smaller public purchase buyers
I imagine their will be a small amount allotted for but most of it will be institutional with Rob backstopping the rest of it.
I personally do not think it will be dropped because I think Robs looking into the future and seeing 10 to 20 years out.
Large deposits like Los Azules take 10 to 12 years and billions of dollars just to get started up for the big picture show.
If it goes underground a head frame may be 30 stories high taking years to build for example
If part or all is open pit that requires huge investments too.
Large refineries are taking 10 years just to get up.
Until 2017 to 2020 when Argentina Mexico and Nevada are fully cranked up giving MUX the super bucks to be the major player and with large investments by some other major players MUX could pull this off.The Los Azules copper project is the third largest copper discovery in the world. MUX has a little pull with the Argentina government their San Jose mine is a model mine for Argentina.
Argentina will play it's part big time owning a good portion or taxing a good portion.IMO. It will be interesting.
Well just unwinding a little here at the Hangout tonight, Thought I would drop a line or two.
Hope all is well for you beautiful gals and fat hogs. LOL