Good evening. I’d like to respond to those that have posted this evening on "mindless pumping", since all posts are somewhat similar in concept regarding opinions and “pumping”.
“I have a right to tell others my opinions regarding the content of their posts.”… you certainly do, and I support such, however I think that if you want YOUR opinion respected, its only fair that you respect the opinion of others. Although you may think their posts are mindless pumping, and again, you are entitled to your opinion of such, they may feel otherwise. What is one person’s “mindless pumping” is another person’s excitement and energy about their investment. Although I tend to agree with you when you indicate you feel such exuberance is lacking in documentation, I also think excitement about the company is a good thing. To get someone interested in something, you must first get them excited about it.
Sharklove, I agree with you about your thoughts on LieHub. Some people complain bitterly about the board, yet they post there frequently. It has been said here many times… if you don’t like ICPA, why bash it, just go away. Same goes with LieHub… if you don’t like it… just don’t go there. However, as I posted last night, without SOMEONE posting positive info over there, the lurkers will learn only the lies about ICPA. I think posting good solid DD over there is a necessary evil. I would suggest though that posters should not reply, or in any way acknowledge, the bashers over there. One should never forget that when you post positive sentiments about the company, you are doing so for the benefit of the majority who never post. As everyone knows, for every poster (here and there) there are likely 100 more that read the posts, but never post. You have to know that you will never change the mind of the bashers over there, so try to direct your post to those that don’t post, and perhaps have not fully formed an opinion yet as to ICPA being a good company or not.