Yes, curious, there were several "911" trades throughout the day.
15:59:51 0.0028 911
14:58:48 0.0027 911
12:13:19 0.0026 911
The thing is though, anyone or his brother can print a trade for 911 shares and get the market spooky talking about if something is coming or not, it means nothing. Perhaps someone does know something and the 10K or some other news is coming out, maybe tomorrow, but maybe not. I would not pay any attention to it if I were you.
Just look at one of the canceled trades after hours, printing to the consolidated tape zero shares traded, how phony, its all just smoke and mirrors, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. By the way, the curtain is lifted up ever higher as the volume drops lower and lower.
16:10:23 0.0025 0
Short sales today consisted of nearly half of the total volume, so if daily covering then possibly only 1M shares traded normally today, the rest of the trading was just MMs shorting and covering to "create liquidity"; aahhem, cough.., gaming retail traders.
And of course the bashing shorties will jump on these assumptions and tell you a story about legged MM trades and that the daily numbers mean nothing because they just show MMs internal shuffling mechanics for real retail trades that happen during the day, but that story is false, the daily numbers from FINRA show the total volume (and short sale volume) to a CONSOLIDATED tape, which means all the back room shorting and covering to get unique transactions completed are already accounted for by the time these reports are generated. These numbers do NOT show legged MM trades or have anything to do with transactions (trades) that are not settled yet (T+3), it is more raw and simple than that, the numbers simply show the total short sale transactions that happened and the total volume traded for the day, PERIOD.