$HCTI The Problem of Conventional Coatings/Paint and Isocyanates
Conventional polyurethane (PU) paint and coatings have many disadvantages: they are porous, permeable and maintain poor hydrolytic stability. This makes the material highly vulnerable to environmental degradation and ultimately leads to their chemical decomposition, especially when in contact with water. Even worse, the manufacture of conventional polyurethanes involves highly toxic components such as isocyanates, which can cause irritation of skin and mucous membranes, chest tightness, difficult breathing, upset stomach, fevers and prolonged exposure has been known to cause severe asthma and even death. Furthermore, strict and costly health & safety measures have to be implemented in the manufacture and application of conventional polyurethane due to the toxicity of isocyanates. This is why regulatory bodies around the world are now looking toward phasing out the use of isocyanates.