Oh stop it with your talking points. Anyone who wishes to hold an honest discussion can go back to when the socialist had both Houses for the first two years, but it's always your hated Rep how have stopped him. Just more empty BS coming from the destroyer in charge. FULL control of all three branches yet the socialist STILL couldn't put the country back to work. But I do have to give him 100% approval for putting 18 mil more people on food stamps, millions more on welfare, 1.8 mil more onto disability AFTER their unemployment ran out with 99 weeks of sponging. Remember, your leaders from obama, pelosi and reid believe that redistribution, to include welfare, food stamps and unemployment, is the BEST stimulus. And since that IS exactly what they've stated on record, let's just put most everyone on the social programs after stealing more from those working and paying their way.
It's like my new liberal friends Wifey and Steeler say, give a man a fish or teach him to fish. Socialism throws millions upon millions the fish for free to keep them under the political thumb of the government, while those of us who struggle daily working get the tax shaft through ever increasing cost of food, clothing, gas etc. Not housing, as the left has succeeded in destroy home value due to the ridiculous loan programs that allowed millions, who weren't qualified to own, to buy.
And as far as these programs paying for themselves, REALLY? Paid for out of the working class to ensure that millions not all, can continue to keep generation after generation to scam the system. I sure don't see a return on that.
Oh, and need I remind you that I've voted for both sides? I'm a fiscal conservative that doesn't belong to either party. But since there is NO such democrat anymore, I have only one vote to cast, and it can't get pissed away on a third party. So you can LMAO all you want, but you are factually wrong in a fiscal sense from start to finish. Later!