Yes, the market hates uncertainty and the fallout of AV really hurt us bad. We just came off the best news we had all year and we are dropping hard. Silence from management will only make it worse. The fact we heard nothing today tells me that our management don't even know what to tell us at this point. This may have thrown a big wrench in their plans.
I know of a large investment group headed by a very close friend of mine who is probably pulling out. I'm not talking about our little piece, they are nervous about the whole sector. The AV situation really hurt them. I've been touting our management team all year, and every misstep they make, turns me into a fool. And the biggest mistake they are making is right now. Their silence and secrecy is killing them and us. Im starting to wonder if Allyn is even involved anymore. Its time to come out and tell their loyal investors what is going on.
I'm Long and not real happy right now.