Dr. Apel fb post from yesterday..
Dr. Apel: I know I said I would quit using this access to our facebook page but something came up yesterday that demands my response and everyone's immediate attention. One of the paid bashers called Dave and I "idiots and clowns" again. No big deal. They do it all the time. That's their job. But then, someone stepped in to defend us. He retorted that these so called "clowns" were supplying free cancer medicine to his best friend who was dying of cancer. His friend, now our patient, has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer near the lung and is now on oxygen and our Simpson oil. Fine. But then he said something that was very disturbing to me. He said that although he truly believes our intensions are benevolent, if his friend dies, he will finally realize we are scam artists and will sell all his stock. This simply isn't fair. Personally, I could care less about what he does with his stock. But I'm curious why Dharma is supplying his very best special friend with free drugs and he takes his own money that could have been used to buy our medicine for his buddy and invests it in penny stocks instead. Most people don't realize that our cancer patients usually show measurable signs of improvement within 2 to 6 weeks. The sooner/earlier they get started on our therapy, the better their chances. We've found that the cancer is easier to treat than the damage that has been done by radiation and chemo already administered. By the time we get patients they are usually truly a mess. My own daughter in law went from stage 4 to stage 2 in the first 2 weeks last year. Now she is in remission, but the doctors advised her to take one more radiation treatment "just to be sure". Well, they burned a hole in her bladder this time and now she is in the hospital again. Not for cancer, but for the repairs needed for an unnecessary and botched treatment. The established medical community will send patients home to die, and then if we are successful at helping them, the doctors say "the chemo and the radiation just took a while to work. Take some more." Those are the scam artists. People should take a daily maintenance dose of Dharmanol and then maybe they wouldn't get cancer to begin with. Just sayin'......