But that's just it... KrazyK documented that they ALL were not... just a list cobbled together to IMPLY that JBI/P2O has a LOT of competitors doing the same thing...
however, aside from that IMPLICATION suggested by the FLAWED POST not being factual,
JBI/P2O is the ONLY COMPANY PUBLICLY TRADED (so folks can decide to buy or not),
is the ONLY COMPANY in that list that has been validated several times by independent laboratory testings (Isle-Chem, ARC, CRA, & SAIC),
AND IS the ONLY COMPANY that has been examined by the NY DEC over a long period of time (over a year) culminating in NOT ONLY PERMITS to operate commercially at 2000LBS/HOUR, but to have had the hourly rate DOUBLED to 4000lbs/hour!
PLUS it had operated without the need for scrubbers or other pollution control devices because its processor HAS BEEN DECLARED CLEANER THAN a HOME HEATING FURNACE SYSTEM!
THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH is that the P2O Processor is a REMARKABLE ENGINEERING ACHIEVEMENT in just a bit over 3 years from desk-top in the lab to a commercial processor!
P2O/JBI MUST BE a THREAT to many for SO MANY to spend so much time and effort TRYING TO DISCREDIT and DESTROY the company!
It is WELL PAST the possibility of being a scam, and the continued assertions "scam,scam" only serve to make THOSE chanting the mantra look more foolish by the day!
How refereshing it would be if the anonymous detractors working so hard against JBI would just declare WHAT their real interests are and MAKE THE CASE that what they are PROMOTING/SUPPORTING is a better solution with more benefits to the environment.
BUT... that would be a DIFFICULT SELL & its so much easier to remain an anonymous adversary... which is OK, too, so long as it does not cross over to libelous commentary about JBI/P2O and its employees!