CHERYL!!! You knocked the ball out of the park with this news piece!! HOMERUN! Wow, what an amazing job, you look fantastic and I really thought you made great specific points about the positives of the CannaCig product.
My favorite quote was,
"One 30-second inhale from a CannaCig is the equivalent of smoking a joint — and there is no second hand smoke or residual odor. "
When I heard that, as a regular viewer, it stood out to me and resonated. The Mom mentioned the use of a vaporizer so as not to expose her child to second hand smoke and so the discussion really framed the CannaCig as a great solution for medicating. I also liked how the show made the point that it can be thought of as just another type of medication from your doctor and in that way it served to legitimize cannabis use for medicating. I also really liked that the "CannaCig" name was clearly mentioned several times for curious viewers. Right you are about the amazing coverage this brings to the product. The naysayers can talk forever about generic 510 ejoys or whatever other generic chinese ecig competition exists out in the world but the point is the CannaCig is leading the pack now and its really all about exposure and how the product is marketed, not to mention that even by itself, the CannaCig really IS the BEST product out of all of them. The packaging was so nice looking, like an Apple iPod or iPhone product! This could very easily kick start the nation-wide marketing campaign and recognition for the CannaCig!
Congrats, Cheryl! Very well deserved!