WOW… great discussion tonight. Couple of thoughts from the peanut gallery if I may.
LieHub… this is a catch-22 situation. If you only think of the bashers there, I agree, its best to not reply, or engage them in any way. However, there is another audience there… potential investors, or those with small positions deciding to buy more and become a long, or, cash out and move on. If no positive information is posted, those potential investors may think its really a crap company and cash out. Dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t. Sucks.
3rd quarter revs… some of you may remember my attempt to draw attention away from some of the grandiose claims of 3rd quarter revs, as I believed (and still do) that although there may be improvement, there will not be improvement to the level that singularly will raise the pps quickly (or overnight as some seemed to think). I’m afraid that too many investors are betting the farm on the hope that the 3rd-quarter revs will light the fuse on the pps. That spells big disappointment for us all if there is not a fantastic turnaround in profitability. I fear those with too much riding on 3rd quarter revs will dump shares and drive the price down even further if the pps doesn’t skyrocket after release of the report. I think… that each quarters’ result will steadily improve. If that is done on a consistent basis for a few quarters, then the pps will reach its real potential.
Mgazel prediction… sounds impossible right? However I think its possible. Not likely, but possible. You all know of worse companies that have much higher pps’s than ICPA. Junk mining companies and supplement companies who’s pps’s are much higher then ICPA. There are dozens of them. Yes, some rise higher, only to fall back again, however some maintain a relatively high pps compared to their starting point. And remember, the prediction was for December. A lot can happen by December. A December date allows for time for the 3rd quarter revs to disseminate through the investment community, allows for more PR’s, additional affiliates to come on line, allows time for the shows on Punch to mature and create revenue, CCO relationship to mature and generate revenue, and such revenue to become history in order to project additional and increased revenue from the historical revenues. $1.20 by Decenber… possible – but even if the prediction is only 50% right… we are sitting pretty. I’ll take it !
Rigged game… IMO… yes it is. We are pretty much hanging on for the ride. Waiting for scraps from the big guys while they fight it out. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I certainly don’t have the resources to make an effective change in direction of this stock. So… I just wait. Investing in the OTC is a longshot, we all know it, or should know it. If the pps makes you nervous, step off for a while. If/when it starts to move north, you can jump back in. Maybe you won’t make as much as had you stayed in, but you might sleep better at night. Myself… I’m in it and staying in it until something happens that indicates there is no longer great potential for profit. What would negatively impact the pps at this point is for a few to get nervous, then bail, then turn basher because they lost money. Remember… only YOU can decide to hold or fold, but for the sake of those still holding, do not let yourself become a basher because you stayed in too long.
This stock is like a CD… I agree with that thought concept. It’s a long term investment. If you believe in the company’s potential… truly believe – then you will not worry about the daily pps changes. No matter how low they drive the pps down, they can’t change the profit potential. They can’t change the good things this company is doing. As long as the company is moving forward, eventually the pps will follow. You know this to be true.
Sorry for the novel, but I wanted to get some thoughts out on a night where there seemed to be increased frustration. Potential investors reading the posts, here and on the LieHub need to see a committed and confident group of base investors in this company. Hopefully those potential investors will see the confidence we have in the company, and invest on their own. The more investors, the better.
If you got this far, thanks for listening to my thoughts. And also… thanks for this board, as this post would likely not have lasted 5-minutes over on LieHub. Those quietly sitting on the sideline should know that this is the place where you can get good information, and good documentable support for the info posted here.