I can tell, you've pushed RFMK forward leaps and bounds all us RFMK investors are grateful you jumped on board.
Good to know you're too strong to let the negativity associated with the taboo on cannabis keep you from doing what you gotta do. The world needs more strong principled people like you.
Hopefully in the future the part of mainstream America with sticks up their asses can come to terms with Cannabis use being a acceptable and commonplace part of society, especially considering it is definitely commonplace in the present and past, and is is becoming increasingly apparent that it is accepted by the majority of the population. Now all we need is to come out defending our right to live and let live as we please without fear of persecution for smoking a flower that has "negligibly" no negative effects on an individual or society. It's a hypocrisy that big pharma is accepted by the government while a harmless flower is not.
Much love now youtube your CBS segment this week!