I wanted to tell you guy's this true story that happened up here in Sea. about 15 years ago.
See, there was this black guy that won the lottery, 10 or 15 mill,I think he was a bus driver, he came from a big family, he promptly quits his job, goes out and buy's a new Mercedes and a new 2 or3 thousand $ hand gun, now this thing was nice, stick's it in his glove box. A week later they make reservations a francy restaurant down town, the whole family, must have been 10 or 15 of them, about an hour later it start's getting loud,and loud and LOUDER, A fight breakes out amongst the relatives, now you can just imagine about what, it spills out into the street then into the parking lot, the cops are called, he goes to his car and bulls out this brand new 3 thousand dollar gun, starts waiving it around, the cops tell him to put it down, he can't hear them above the noise and fires a couple a shots in the air, the cops shoot him dead, on the spot. Be care full out there