I just used my one post for IFLUB today and it was banned. Reason listed "off topic". Not only that, but they removed the appeal or "review" function, saying it has already been reviewed by an administrator. I will include the text below.
**KMAG** MY post for the day.
Yes we were suspended. Why, no one knows other than the cryptic SEC boilerplate statement concerning "PR's".
Lot's of folks show up out of nowhere to bash this stock. Saying it is a SCAM. Calling the CEO a scumbag. Saying this is going to zero....
Ask yourself, why would KMAG generate this kind of interest??
Could it be to create panic and fear?? Do you think that people ever post on IHUB because of ulterior motives??
Truth is no one on this board knows why it was suspended. Hopefully we will soon.
Read the posts by GARY ST> He openly stated that he has no position in this and gave very factual advice, neither bashing or pumping.
Read the responses he has received.... a lot of folks saying thanks, but then a few jump all over him. You again have to question motives.
To those fellow KMAG supporters that are still posting here, thank you and keep it up. Some of us can only post once a day for now.
Good luck to everyone.
And to those who would post negative, doomsday predictions, and make libelous accusations about the CEO, well, I pray for you that the darkness in your hearts may be lifted....