What'll likely happen is Longs will still support the stock at around .003, where there was considerable bottom support in the past. It is HIGHLY unlikely it'll go below that, and the only reasons it would even go that low is because 1). people are suggesting .0001 so they can buy at .003 from the really dumb and gullible, and 2). virtually everyone will be hesistant to buy higher until it clearly appears no one is willing to sell cheap. This, of course, on the grounds of how things stand right now. News could easily raise that bottom. Even without news, I wouldn't be surprised to see .01 later in the week. Those (of us) who have a fair grasp of the situation realize that OTCBB is coming and when it does, even those .01's will be a sweet deal. JR originally expected to be uplisted by eoy. Now, he has more reason than ever to expedite his plans.
I wouldn't wanna be the fool that sold sub .01 only to see KMAG uplisted and run to .10 just a couple months later.