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Past Performance
Following are past performances highlighting solutions developed and deployed by Horne International. These solutions have an energy focus and were designed specifically to meet the needs of our clients.
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Africa Infrastructure Project
The Mission: Review a large volume of information and summarize in a succinct report for the USAID Mission stating whether the project EIA is likely to satisfy host country, lending institution and USAID environmental requirements. Uniquely Engineered: Horne Engineering Services, LLC staff provide contracted environmental engineering services to Nexant, Inc. in support of Africa Infrastructure Program (AIP) Project. Services provided include review of environmental and social impact assessments (EIA and SIA) for projects, and delivery of Environmental Review Reports (ERR) which summarize the EIA, SIA and other relevant information, and which are subsequently used by USAID Mission Offices for determination of whether projects comply with host country, development assistance bank and USAID 22CFR216 environmental requirements. The AIP Project provides capacity building and late-stage transactional services on clean and conventional energy projects to regional economic communities, host country governments, and private project developers in Sub-Saharan Africa. The three-year program, which started in September 2008, is expected to add at least 1 gigawatt of new generation capacity and leverage more than $1 billion in new investment in a region where less than 28 percent of the population has access to commercial energy. A significant contributor to USAID's global climate change efforts, AIP operates in cooperation with USAID African regional and bilateral missions. AIP has completed activities in Nigeria and Kenya and is currently providing services to several renewable and conventional energy projects in Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique, Namibia, Kenya, South Africa, Cameroon, and Rwanda. It supports clean electric sector capacity building throughout Africa.
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