Very disappointing bid whacking to drive the PP down over the last few weeks. I do however anticipate a big bounce with updates, soon enough. I don't exactly know why the F10 was withdrawn, but it most certainty has to be with the one or more of the announced acquisitions and or developments. The most recent waste disposal acquisition was just one of the many activities that were announced over the last few months. All of which even singularly would launch revenues to very respectable levels for any start up company.
IMO, Typically swing/flip traders punish a stock when delays or missed dead lines occur. Who needs them anyway. This is a legitimate long term hold, which is very uncharacteristic in the stinky pinky arena. I still anticipate at very worst, 5x the current pps (short term) with completion of previous announced endeavors. It's anybody's guess where the pps will be a year from now.
Hold the line longs!