KMAG is going to the OTCBB and as far as I have heard.....There will be No charges by the SEC to keep KMAG in the greys with extended Litigation!
So once Jeff gets the auditing done..the Up listing follows!!
No road blocks....just the need to fulfill the requests by the SEC
Could not get an ET on the whole process but it is Full force!
The Scumbags bashing on the I-dud bets are..will be placing lowball bids If KMAG trades the Greys.....So We might as well join them....and Keep the buying pressure up.....and that is of course for those that believe that KMAG will make the "Come Back"...which I know it will!
So ..imo Hold..&/or Buy
Xmass Not that far off...Business is still Underway....Q3 should be strong.....and KMAG will be coming Out on the OTCBB with Audited Fins!!
Put your Own KMAG lyrics IN!