Hey turn. None too pleased with the situation or the wait, but out of options at this point. I am however starting to see a pattern and agenda, "over there" and I don't like the smell of it. While posts of a neutral to positive manner, clearly on-topic about KMAG are being deleted (like mine), others that our repetetively blasting the company, blasting the CEO and blasting the board with spam are being allowed, over and over. It is why I let my sub run out and will not return to it. I am beginning to sense some clear agenda's there as well as sense some clear agenda's against KMAG. I am no longer certain that KMAG is being investigated for their wrong-doing, or the wrong-doing of others who are trying to keep the company at bay for personal reasons or vendetta's? Clearly there is a scam going on here, but at this point I am not certain if the company is perpetrating the scam. Instead I am starting to believe that they are caught in it and the SEC, who have overriding authority are taking everyone out with the stroke of a pen. I sort of make it analagous to horrendous officiating we are now seeing in the NFL. Lousy calls and gettting caught up in a situation that is out of control. Same goes here for me. I am still not clear on what the SEC is even investigating, nor do I know if they even know. Exoneration in my book is still a possibility down the road.