[b]$WRAP: Business Description[/b]
The basic idea behind WRAPmail is to utilize the facts that almost everyone have websites, social network site(s) and also send emails every day. These emails can become complete marketing tools and help promote, brand, sell and cross-sell in addition to drive traffic to the website and conduct research. WRAPmail is available for free (with 3rd party ads) or for a small license fee.
WRAPmail also helps search for missing children with every email sent by free users incorporating an RSS feed from the Center for Missing and Exploited Children see http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rolv-e-heggenhougen/finding-missing-children_b_1540866.html
WRAPmail Solutions:
1 WRAPmail PRO: Our free shared solution that will have advertising from other WRAPmail clients incorporated. Not only is the solution free and the ads will not interfere with the WRAP (unless the user wants them to) but WRAPmail will share the Advertising revenue with the user provided they sign up for WRAPmail's affiliate program.
2 WRAPmail PRO+: Shared solution, $50/user/year. No 3rd party ads unless the client signs up for the affiliate program and also allows ads to be displayed. These users will be able to select the advertisers/ads they want displayed in or around their WRAPS if they elect to allow ads.
3 WRAPmail Enterprise: Dedicated solution, $3,500/year plus $40/year per user. WRAPmail will host a dedicated Server for each Enterprise client and this solution has all the features of the shared solution plus a Campaign Module for sending email campaigns. There is no extra charge for using the campaign module and we believe there is a brand new market opportunity for WRAPmail with this solution with the heavy users of Newsletters and mass mailings. The major differentiator between WRAPmail and companies offering mass email solutions is the fact that WRAPmail emails get delivered without the Red X and message to download images in email clients. WRAPs also do not look like posters but rather like regular emails framed in images with embedded links.
Advertising Network:
WRAPmail has its own advertising network where users can advertise in other user's emails.