Floatable, thanks. I think it is rather amusing that the bashers are insinuating that the SEC may eventually investigate RFMK if anything is amiss in the 10K. First of all, why would the SEC look into a micro cap PK company that is submitting a 10K?! The 10K filing, if it actually happens, is a major event for any micro cap company in making it a legit entity, following the letter of the law. Most of the pinks never submit any filings to the SEC, especially 10K's. What is funny is that what is the biggest law breaker are those manipulators using public internet forums as their tool to manipulate sentiment and slander and bash companies and their management while they short sell the stock, which is highly illegal. I would think that if the SEC was going to look into anything or anyone it would involve those bashing shorters and the illegal price and volume manipulation that runs rampant down in the stinky pink scum swamp, not legit micro cap companies working hard toward total transparency for shareholders and no debt or liabilities on the balance sheet along with a product selling to consumers all over the nation.
I don't question those longs and loyal supporters and cheerleaders for the company who have skin in the game and wish to convey their true thoughts and opinions about the company, the stock and its future on an open public forum. I do question those bashers who allegedly have no skin in the game but who spend countless hours on a message board each and every day spinning arguments to deceive and spread misinformation in an attempt to dissuade buyers from ever investing in the stock, all the while yelling at longs and calling them pumpers who supposedely know its all a scam but they dont care, all they want is to get more buyers in so they can dump on them for a profit. What ugly assumptions and dark thoughts all of that comes from. Simply amazing what they will say on a public forum to bash others and the company for their own alterior motives. To this day I have not seen a single post by any long here systematically telling others that they need to buy buy buy RFMK as soon as possible. It does not happen. I have seen plenty of basher posts day in day out for months and years screaming that everyone should get out now before the bottom falls out. They have the nerve to claim longs are pumpers on whose advice others are losing money, when its their daily spew that may result in others fearing to get in at .0007 and the stock moves to .0028. Who really has the questionable practices and motives? Most longs here and on iScum merely discuss the talk and especially focus on all the positives for the company as well as the dynamics of the trading of the stock. I personally resent those fools who assume we are all promo pumpsters looking to trick others into the stock so we can dump at higher prices. Only a crony manipulator would assume such dark motives in others. Who do they think they are? What the company management individuals need to do is sue them for slander and illegal bashing and shorting of the stock. I suspect all the crony games would end pretty quick at that point.
But what the heck do I know?
The dark side clouds everything.