I am sure that most of you were as shocked as I was to receive Dave Pasquale's final email. This was another example in a series of poor decisions by Dave which ranged from verbal altercations with several female employees to being found drunk and passed out in his office during business hours. Despite his many short comings and lack of judgment, he was repeatedly given chances to continue in his executive role. Rather than take full advantage of his opportunity, he instead has become a disgruntled former employee with a very selfish agenda. He is very upset because he is no longer able to receive guaranteed pay for his poor performance. Under Pasquale's leadership, the MLM has experienced a steady decline. Dave was given an opportunity of a lifetime and time to grow into the position, but unfortunately he did not. He was repeatedly asked to design an action plan to help move the company forward, find, train and motivate new leaders who could help grow the opportunity for the field and ensure the success of the company. He produced very little. In November, his pay was shifted to commission only. He asked for and was given rent assistance for two months, but still no increase in productivity. Yesterday's email was his childish way of trying to hurt the company and all of you who have spent numerous hours building your business, but it will not work! He underestimates your intelligence and ability to see through his lame attempt to discredit and destroy the company that you are working hard to build. We still have a great opportunity ahead of us! But it will take all of us working together to reach our vast potential. Corporate is here to support your business. It is very important that you share the opportunity in order to build your business. We will add more enhancements, incentives and products, but first we need to stabilize the Playboy Energy Drink opportunity. The people that are having the best success in our company are building teams, selling the opportunity and focusing on the future and not the growing pains of a new company. The company is not perfect, but the opportunity is here and we will win! We do apologize for the delays in shipping. We have worked hard to improve the shipping process including hiring a new shipping company. We have processed all orders that we have received. If you have not received your product or a tracking number, please email support@purenrgfx.com and it will be sent out immediately. We have a large inventory of product to sell and a new fulfillment center excited to help you. Today has proven that the affiliates of Pure NRGFX are the best ever! We have received numerous calls of support, emails of encouragement, and rededication of efforts from the field. We appreciate your dedication, support and commitment to Pure NRGFX as your business partner. Best Wishes, Gregory R. Williams Pure NRGFX-CEO |