while I can trade because I can read the crews' signals rather easily
I actually don't trade .. but my avg is that way because when they set
up the last *round* >> post RH's taking over as ceo >> I bought over
50 tax lots via fido in that 30c (to 40c) pps range
crew stupidly took a gamble to break JBII to sub 10c .. I always recognize
the risk .. but imo early disruptive techs that become the successful early
adopter only come along a few times in a lifetime >> been there done that
so I know the *pattern*
PROs got PROBs >> but i'm equally tired of whiney ass retail who won't
take the time to educate themselves on how US equities are played
honestly I look forward to the partial cover en route on JBII so that those
who want out >> GET TO SELL >> zero doubts that retail will part with
some at 4.00 and 7.00 and that is their call ..
always interested in what fascinates *some*