Refer to the timelines yet once deal. Look what Rich is pitching during March:
The Clean Energy Trifecta that is Small-Scale, Biomass Fueled, Combined Heat and Power Facilities
- Richard Fosgitt , Engineering & Technology, Cirque Energy Inc.
Gasification for Combined Heat and Power Renewable Energy
As referenced by this article:
Northrop Grumman is developing cost takeout solutions to capture demand from its core defense customers
Federally focused vendors are increasing their value proposition by appealing to demand for cost takeout solutions, through either the repurposing of existing capabilities for new applications or through the development of new solutions that tackle unique problems. To this end, IS has partnered with Cirque Energy Inc. to develop a Deployable Gasification Unit (DGU), which takes on-site waste produced by military and industrial operations and converts it to electricity and recoverable heat.
It's called preselling my friends......refer back to Rich @ the military pitch in late 2012 with the SSOE group. Always refer to timelines.
Much more to come.......