Temecula California, February 25, 2014 Hop-on, Inc (OTC:HPNN.PK) announced today its diversified subsidiary, Re-Medical, Inc., is setting up distribution of cannabis transdermal patches in legal jurisdictions, with the first being - Colorado.
Re-Medical is a Hop on company focused on alternative ways to deliver vitamins, supplements, and other healthful products, such as cannabis, utilizing transdermal patches. The company has developed and isolated the benefits of cannabis and other vital plant extracts for best patient care. There are an estimated 80+ cannabinoids found in cannabis, each providing distinctive neuropathic effects. The company is currently applying for patents regarding the delivery of cannabis via transdermal patches. Re-Medical patches offer cost effective, accurate and clean delivery of these unique compounds.
Re-Medical's mission is to provide solutions for patients -desiring to use cannabis as a nutraceutical alternative to traditional or prescription medications.
Re-Medical’s transdermal patch has a variety of choices for both high THC and high CBD cannabis users to medicate in a precisely dosed, discreet use, clean delivery method. Re-Medical offers THC and CBD transdermal patches in 10mg and 20mg doses.
Peter Michaels, President of the parent company, Hop on, stated, “We are launching this product in the state of Colorado next month. The transdermal patch delivery method of delivering cannabis herbal therapy has - beneficial effects, particularly no direct or second hand smoke. It also reduces the- sudden “high” many believe wears off quickly. - Our product is tailored to deliver the herbal remedy over - 12 to 24 hours. The product is delivered directly into the bloodstream, avoiding the metabolism by the liver and breakdown by stomach acids.”