Posted On: 09/24/2012 5:36:20 AM
Post# of 43065

until P20 can be proven...
I believe that my WHOLE POINT in the following quoted statement has gone completely by without impact so I will attempt to rephrase and repaint a picture...
Well, I would STRONGLY ADVISE everyone NOT to invest in a "suspect" company that had only gone from lab-model desk-top polluting prototype processor to a modular 30T processor permitted by NY DEC to convert 4000 lbs/hour in 3-or-so years with a process no one else is doing nearly as efficiently!...
(Afterthought added: ROTFLMAO... apparently "sarcasm" was not taught in some High Schools attented by a few SMB users.)
P2O WORKS... it ALREADY has proven itself!
Much to the the UPCOMING REGRET of many, but much to the benefit of MANY MORE and to the benefit of those interested in better respect for our environment!
Of significance (which cannot be denied IMHO) that has taken place in the last 3 years...
*A polluting coffee-can sized Blest lab-experiment calibre plastic processor demonstrated that an unlikely catalyst seemed to revolutionize the conversion of plastic scrap to a petrochemical fuel blend...
*This "discovery" by an unlikely entrepreneur was taken to Isle-Chem for opinion and some re-engineering assistence. Isle-Chem was wary and unconvinced it would be of any consequence, but I-C took a paying job nonetheless...
*The "catalyst" appeared to work but as formulated would be ILLEGAL to use in the USA so it had to be reformulated & reverified that it worked...
*Several intermediate models of a P2O processor were built and tested to determine if the "process" would scale up (it did)...
*A 20T sized kiln was bought in China (part of a so-called P2O system that is very inefficient and very polluting in operation)...
*All but the kiln was scrapped and the "processor" was built using hardware and computerized controls conceived by, implemented by, and debugged by the P2O team of JBI led by John Bordynuik...
*Produced output of the processor was analyzed, refined, tested, verified by SEVERAL additional independent agencies (not necessary that anyone believes that they were independent)...
*Additional refinements HAD TO BE MADE along the R&D trail to accommodate unexpected things like cleanout, raggertail, petcoke fouling, increased throughput issues...
*Customers and PARTNERS had to be found and cultivated...
*Permitting tests needed to be conducted by NYDEC prior to commercial operation of any significance & several types of permits that were deteermined to be needed HAD TO BE PROCURED at a pace not set by the company...
*Ultimately SAIC tests had to be done FOR FINAL VERIFICATION for a group of "WHALES" to agree to fund $11+Million (with likely any more funding needed as needed)...
*Tankers now roll in and out of the P2O facility in NF on an undisclosed schedule to deliver the FUELS PRODUCED from FREE WASTE PLASTIC while a FEW LAST LOOSE ENDS get sorted out before the OFFICIAL ROLL-OUT of P2O for the world to see!
Also during the last 3 years, the founder of JBI(P2O) has been vilified, challenged by many unexpected hurdles placed in the way to destroy him and HIS FLEDGLING COMPANY, and has made several decisions about the likely path that the company would develop... ONLY to have those decisions turn out to be the wrong path and a better path NEED to be determined and taken! There has been both time and $$$ resources lost because of these misteps as a start-up company.
Managing the R&D needs and the "business management" needs has divided his attention and has caused erratic progress at times WITH MISTAKES MADE in some of the priorities.
HOWEVER... these fits and starts ARE IRRELEVANT,
the HURDLES have been overcome ONE by ONE in due course,
Have I seen the test results?...
NO, how absurd to think so or even ask...
I am not one of the "WHALES" who demanded the SAIC testing be done to such rigorous standards because "MY GROUP of WHALES" intended to fund $11+Million to move P2O forward!
So how do I know it works?
I am not FOOLISH nor ARROGANT ENOUGH to presume that SAIC could not do the verification testing correctly...
and I surely do not believe those who ultimately ponied up $11+Million for P2O shares are FOOLS! NONE of them GOT RICH being less informed than SMB readers!
P2O WORKS... it ALREADY has proven itself!
Much to the the UPCOMING REGRET of many, but much to the benefit of MANY MORE and to the benefit of those interested in better respect for our environment!
Of significance (which cannot be denied IMHO) that has taken place in the last 3 years...
*A polluting coffee-can sized Blest lab-experiment calibre plastic processor demonstrated that an unlikely catalyst seemed to revolutionize the conversion of plastic scrap to a petrochemical fuel blend...
*This "discovery" by an unlikely entrepreneur was taken to Isle-Chem for opinion and some re-engineering assistence. Isle-Chem was wary and unconvinced it would be of any consequence, but I-C took a paying job nonetheless...
*The "catalyst" appeared to work but as formulated would be ILLEGAL to use in the USA so it had to be reformulated & reverified that it worked...
*Several intermediate models of a P2O processor were built and tested to determine if the "process" would scale up (it did)...
*A 20T sized kiln was bought in China (part of a so-called P2O system that is very inefficient and very polluting in operation)...
*All but the kiln was scrapped and the "processor" was built using hardware and computerized controls conceived by, implemented by, and debugged by the P2O team of JBI led by John Bordynuik...
*Produced output of the processor was analyzed, refined, tested, verified by SEVERAL additional independent agencies (not necessary that anyone believes that they were independent)...
*Additional refinements HAD TO BE MADE along the R&D trail to accommodate unexpected things like cleanout, raggertail, petcoke fouling, increased throughput issues...
*Customers and PARTNERS had to be found and cultivated...
*Permitting tests needed to be conducted by NYDEC prior to commercial operation of any significance & several types of permits that were deteermined to be needed HAD TO BE PROCURED at a pace not set by the company...
*Ultimately SAIC tests had to be done FOR FINAL VERIFICATION for a group of "WHALES" to agree to fund $11+Million (with likely any more funding needed as needed)...
*Tankers now roll in and out of the P2O facility in NF on an undisclosed schedule to deliver the FUELS PRODUCED from FREE WASTE PLASTIC while a FEW LAST LOOSE ENDS get sorted out before the OFFICIAL ROLL-OUT of P2O for the world to see!
Also during the last 3 years, the founder of JBI(P2O) has been vilified, challenged by many unexpected hurdles placed in the way to destroy him and HIS FLEDGLING COMPANY, and has made several decisions about the likely path that the company would develop... ONLY to have those decisions turn out to be the wrong path and a better path NEED to be determined and taken! There has been both time and $$$ resources lost because of these misteps as a start-up company.
Managing the R&D needs and the "business management" needs has divided his attention and has caused erratic progress at times WITH MISTAKES MADE in some of the priorities.
HOWEVER... these fits and starts ARE IRRELEVANT,
the HURDLES have been overcome ONE by ONE in due course,
Have I seen the test results?...
NO, how absurd to think so or even ask...
I am not one of the "WHALES" who demanded the SAIC testing be done to such rigorous standards because "MY GROUP of WHALES" intended to fund $11+Million to move P2O forward!
So how do I know it works?
I am not FOOLISH nor ARROGANT ENOUGH to presume that SAIC could not do the verification testing correctly...
and I surely do not believe those who ultimately ponied up $11+Million for P2O shares are FOOLS! NONE of them GOT RICH being less informed than SMB readers!
...while someone seems to be selling heavily.
Indeed, and ALL THE CHATTER I'm seeing on SMBs indicates to me that some people are very concerned because JBI/P2O is still alive, growing, and soon will be CFP according to the NEW CEO who came over to the company after 2 years of background work at RKT which is currently the MAJOR PARTNER with P2O that will provide YEARS of operation of up to 100+ processors using the waste plastic that they already have BURIED on the sites where P2O processor clusters will be built!
This last tidbit (should it become reality anytime soon) means those "sellers" at this level BETTER OWN JBII shares... or they are about to find out what happens when "the rock" slams against "the hard place"... OUCH!

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